Everything you need, nothing you don't
Workia strikes the perfect balance between simplicity and functionality. Out-of-the box features and some configuration where you need it, means you can hit the ground running from day 1.
Workia features
Case management
All move types
Single system
Case details
Vendor initiation & tracking
Cost estimates
Generate and share cost estimates with ease, with collaborative comments.
Track the actual expenses incurred during a move. This helps manage and monitor all your move costs in one place.
Workflow management
Set tasks and reminders for you and your team; never miss a deadline.
Track and prioritize incoming mobility requests in one shared place that keeps your team organized.
Automated alerts
Automated alerts for critical deadlines and expiry dates like visas and passports.
Personal dashboard
Effortlessly glance at your tasks, calendar, and view case locations in the interactive map.
Task tracking
Easy way to track tasks and important to do's.
Create plans instantly, explaining process and costs - and share with the business via secure links.
Documents & Data
Secure document storage
Store, comment on, and securely share all documents, letters and agreements in one place.
Merge documents & templates
Easily combine information into documents and emails, for consistent and accurate output.
Company documents
One-stop management for all company documents and mobility policies.
Document editing
Edit documents conveniently within Workia.
Case search
Quickly locate any cases by name, location, type, status.
AI analytics
Analyze programme data via AI for instant mobility insights.
Easy reporting
Filter case data and export as a spreadsheet.
Data upload
Effortlessly upload spreadsheet data and turn into interactive cases in minutes.
Communication & Collaboration
Email management
View and send emails in Workia and keep track of all communications.
Outlook + Gmail integration
Send with your own outlook or gmail email, from Workia, using Workia AI or email templates.
Outlook add-in
Use Workia in your Outlook, view tasks, file emails, check status, all from within Outlook.
Comment and share
Comment and tag colleagues. Share cost estimates and plans with anyone, for instant comments and feedback.
Create plans instantly, explaining process and costs - and share with the business via secure links.
Connect to 80+ Vendors via Equus Ecosystem
Join the Equus Ecosystem to get access to 80+ vendors
Security & Access
Role based permissions
Predefined roles and permissions for team, HR and stakeholder access.
Secure sharing
Share documents and details through secure links.