Fast cost estimates

Create and edit cost estimates quickly. 

workiahr-qa.azurewebsites.net_app_cost-estimate_mobilitycase_ee9dbc44-e9c5-4024-5b45-08dc79894821(Standard HD Desktop)

Data included

AirInc data included - allowances and costs automatically calculated

Tax calculations

Equus tax engine included - income tax, social tax, employer taxes all automatically calculated

Edit & update

Easily override numbers and create your own templates

Share & get feedback

Share outputs and open for comments to speed up the review process

Includes Equus Tax Engine

157 Tax Authorities
96 Countries
42 Taxable US States
10 Canadian Provinces
9 Swiss Cantons

+ Air Inc cost and allowance data

Create a cost estimate in seconds

Straightforward inputs, calculates in seconds. 

Share cost estimate

Share cost estimates with the business

No more attaching PDFs to emails. 

Share securely online via link.  When clicking the link the recipient receives a code to confirm it is them.  No need to create accounts first.

Override values

Easily override calculated values and view which amounts have been changed.

Cost estimate override values
Cost estimate list

Create multiple versions

Copy, create new versions, flag the final one as primary.


Tracking actual costs?

You can also track actual expenses in Workia. Import and export data easily, add documents and comments, and save time with quick customization. Learn more

Try it yourself

Request a trial site to see how quick and easy it is to create cost estimates in Workia

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