AI Analytics

Build reports in seconds

Ask any question, get immediate answers. Simplify analytics by interacting with your data through conversational queries.  

AI Analytics Feb 2024

Ask questions, get instant answers

Talk to your data like it's a team member—ask anything, get answers instantly, and let Workia's AI nudge you with smart prompts for even faster insights.

Slice, dice & discover

Group, split, and compare datasets to get a crystal-clear view of your mobility program. Dive into the demographics, watch how patterns evolve over time, or pinpoint the key variables driving the numbers.  

Choose your view

Choose from a variety of visual layouts to best understand your global mobility data. Flip through views —charts, tables, you name it—to make your mobility data tell the story you need, all at a glance.

Save for later

Save your go-to reports and pop back in anytime to tweak or track your reports—no hassle, just instant insight.

How does AI help mobility?

Privacy and AI

Workia AI uses AI to interpret your query only.  Your case data and all PII remains within Workia and is not shared with the AI engine. 

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Try it yourself

Request a trial site to see how quick and easy it is to analyze your mobility data in Workia

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