UAE - Social Security Insights | Workia


Social Security Insights

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THE UAE social security scheme is aimed at providing a limited range of benefits to Emiratis and the nationals of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Expatriates are generally excluded from the scheme.



For UAE nationals, the contribution rates are 12.5% for the employer, and 5% for the employee. GCC nationals pay the employee rate that is applicable in their home country. Abu Dhabi imposes a slightly higher employer contribution rate of 16%.


The UAE does not have any bilateral social security agreements but its nationals have a degree of protection while working in other GCC states. Expatriates working in the UAE may still, therefore be liable to home country contributions. As a result, offshored or local contracts could provide a route to considerable social security cost savings.


With the exception of the mandatory contributions to the unemployment insurance scheme, there is no social security in the UAE for nationals of non-GCC countries.


Monthly withholding of social security are paid over to the General Pension and Social Security Authority (GPSSA).


Pensions and other contributory benefits are only available to Emirati and GCC nationals. The Unemployment Insurance Scheme can, in principle, pay out to foreigners, but it only came into force in early 2023 and the practicalities are still not clear.

Social security insights are intended to provide quick and straightforward insights into social security regimes.  Always seek professional advice based on actual circumstances before acting.

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