Saudi Arabia - Social Security Insights | Workia

Saudi Arabia

Social Security Insights

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The General Organisation for Social Insurance (GOSI) oversees the Saudi Social Security system, which covers workers in the private sector and some in the public sector. The scheme provides benefits covering retirement, disability and death benefits, medical care and compensation for work-related illness or injury.



Saudi Arabian employees contribute 10% of their basic monthly salary (9% to social insurance and pensions and 1% to unemployment insurance); employers contribute the equivalent of 12% of payroll (9% to social insurance and pensions, 2% towards occupational hazard insurance and 1% to unemployment insurance).

Non-Saudi Arabian employees contribute 2% to occupational hazard insurance. Contributions are capped at an upper salary limit of approx. $12,000. Gulf Cooperation Council Nationals pay contributions at the same rate as if they were working in their home GCC states.


Saudi Arabia has no social security agreements but its nationals have a degree of protection while working in other GCC states.


As non-Saudi, non-GCC employees are largely exempt from social security contributions, exemptions are not relevant to expatriate employees.


The registration process whereby employers can register to pay over occupational hazard insurance for expatriates is online, in English and relatively accessible to non-Saudi employers.


For international employees, there are no benefits from the Saudi social insurance scheme.

Social security insights are intended to provide quick and straightforward insights into social security regimes.  Always seek professional advice based on actual circumstances before acting.

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