Oman - Social Security Insights | Workia


Social Security Insights

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Oman operates a social security regime that is limited to Omani nationals only. It provides a old age insurance and a limited range of benefits, although there are proposals to introduce a more comprehensive social protection arrangement.



There is an employer’s contribution of 10.5% of income, and an employee’s contribution rate of 7%, but these only apply to Omani nationals. There is also 1% employer and employee charge for unemployment insurance, and a 1% employer only social security charge for work related injury insurance.


Oman has a multilateral social security arrangement with other Gulf Cooperation Council states for coverage of each other’s citizens. It has no bilateral social security agreements.


Not applicable for non-Omani nationals.


Any social security contributions are deducted through payroll.


Not applicable for non-Omani nationals.


There are proposals for a fundamental overhaul of the Omani social insurance system but these are unlikely to take effect before 2024 at the earliest.

Social security insights are intended to provide quick and straightforward insights into social security regimes.  Always seek professional advice based on actual circumstances before acting.

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