Kenya - Social Security Insights | Workia


Social Security Insights

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Kenya has a basic social security system with two branches – the National Social Security Fund and the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF). These two branches provide a limited amount of social protection for old age and retirement, survivors and invalidity benefits and healthcare.



Contributions to both the NSSF and NHIF for both employers and employees are very low – just a few dollars a month.


Kenya does not have any bilateral social security agreements. As such, expatriates working there will become liable to the limited contributions to the NSSF and NHIF, even if they remain liable to social security in their home country.


Employers can partly opt out of NSSF contributions if they have private retirement arrangements for their employees, but in an expatriate context the cost savings associated with this would be very small.


Contributions are withheld through payroll and paid over to the authorities monthly. Registration requires a personal visit to the local NSSF office.


It is unlikely that expatriates will be able to access benefits in Kenya due to their income levels.

Social security insights are intended to provide quick and straightforward insights into social security regimes.  Always seek professional advice based on actual circumstances before acting.

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