Sarah Lavan | Fathers Lavan

Sarah Lavan

Fathers & Lavan

Social Security Personal & Employment Tax

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We work with you as a strategic advisor and constructively critical friend to help you:

  • have a mobility strategy that both adds to and supports key business objectives

  • create and manage relationships with appropriate internal stakeholders to help direct policy on business-critical objectives and development of future leaders

  • have the appropriate policies and processes in place to manage risk and ensure tax, social security and immigration compliance on a worldwide basis

  • manage and support the assignee experience during and post assignment, to ensure you attract and retain the right people

  • have the right focus on costs, including approval processes, tracking and exception management to obtain the best ROI on your mobility programme

  • adopt appropriate technology to support your business goals, without becoming encumbered with overly complex systems

  • manage your vendor relationships effectively, including knowing what questions to ask so that you obtain optimal service as well as value for money

About Sarah

Hello, I'm Sarah. 

I worked within the “Big 4” professional services firms in the area of international mobility for over 30 years, including on assignment in Switzerland.

I have in depth experience in all aspects of global mobility, ranging from day-to-day compliance to engaging with the broader business and “ C-Suite" on how cross border moves can support its strategic objectives.  I really enjoy building lasting relationships with my clients, providing bespoke help, no matter the programme size.

I have seen the world of global mobility evolve, perhaps never more so than in the last 5 years. With individuals increasingly in the driving seat when it comes to where they want to work, it has never been more important for businesses to be able to manage all the moving parts – from talent management to risk management, from the importance of oversight and governance on costs and processes to stakeholder buy in. It makes for a great opportunity to perhaps revisit old practices and create programmes that work for everyone. I would love to be involved in helping you explore what this means for you!

Experts are listed as a courtesy, please complete your own due dilligence and contracting before requesting advice.