John Weekes | Kingfisher Consulting

John Weekes

Kingfisher Consulting

Social Security Posted Workers

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  • Help with understanding social security implications of cross-border moves - in terms of both contributions and benefits
  • Support compliance with UK, EU, US and other countries' legislation
  • Work to efficiently structure international moves to reduce employee and employer social security burdens
  • Help identify best practices for dealing with social security in an international context

About John

Over the last 30 years I have been advising clients of all types on a wide variety of international Mobility issues - from technical questions to strategic advice. Since 2005 this support and advice has mainly been in the area of international social security, and for 17 years I led the Deloitte Global Social Security practice, based in London.

In this role I developed a broad knowledge of how social security works for cross border employees and employers, how to avoid the pitfalls and remain compliant, while at the same time identifying opportunities to reduce costs. More recently, I also took on responsibility for all aspects of Deloitte's offering in respect of the European Posted Worker Directive, which is currently one of the biggest challenges for business traveller programmes. Now, in my life beyond the Big 4, I continue to relish the chance to provide clients with 'real world' advice and practical solutions, and help them navigate the complicated world of International Mobility.

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