Workia Knowhow

International Moves: Three Must-Haves

Written by Clive Fathers | Jun 21, 2023 3:04:22 PM

We get it, managing an international move feels like diving into a complex jigsaw puzzle🧩 with a hundred tiny pieces. You're probably scratching your head thinking, "where do I even begin?"

Take a deep breath, folks. Here are the three critical components of global mobility management that you absolutely can't compromise on, to ensure a successful international move for your company and your employees.

🚦1.Green Lights and Work Rights


The first point on our list is obtaining the right work permit or visa for your employee. It's not just a procedure—it's a legal necessity. Failing to secure the correct documentation can set off a chain of repercussions for both the employee and the organization. An incorrect permit can lead to your employee being denied entry and possibly facing a lengthy ban from the destination country. For the company, this brings about reputational risks and could effect future employee moves to the same country.

The challenge here is that immigration policies are moving targets, frequently updated and often subject to local interpretations. Therefore, it's wise to consult experts to stay on top of the game. Keep in mind that securing all the necessary paperwork might take weeks. Planning ahead will save you a last-minute scramble.

💰2.Keeping the Taxman Happy


Just trailing immigration concerns is the issue of tax compliance. It's vital that both the employer and the employee adhere to the host country's income tax and social security rules. Proper planning and execution are crucial, especially if income tax is payable in the new location.

Missteps in tax compliance can lead to unfavorable scenarios, from minor cash flow problems to more severe consequences such as double taxation and potential penalties for late payment. For the employer, non-compliance could invite considerable reputational risks and permanent establishment considerations. Additionally, not fulfilling tax and social security obligations both timely and accurately, can lead to severe penalties and interest charges.

🤝3.All for One, One for all 


Rounding off our top three is the welfare of your employee. They've got to feel safe, secure, and supported, no matter where they are. Letting an employee work in an unsafe country could land your company in hot water. Here's a quick checklist:

✔️ Can they access the right medical facilities?
✔️ How fast can you get them home in case of an emergency?
✔️ How will you keep them from feeling out of sight and out of mind?

Your aim here should be to keep them feeling connected and backed by your organization.

So there you have it. If you're pressed for time (and who isn't?), these are the big three to focus on. But we're curious—what else do you think is crucial to nail before an international move? We're all ears! 🐰